Thursday, July 30, 2009

2009/07/29 Wednesday

It's rain in this morning, I feel calm and silence…a little calm and sad I feel in the drizzle. Some time experienced this kind of morning also not bad^-^! This drizzle makes me think of a friend of mine “XiaoYu (Shinohara Rain)”. She said that rain give her the feel of sadness and sometime make her shed tears. This time I had experience the feel of sadness but I’m not dropping my tears haha…

Yesterday I have mansion that today we will have the discussion to prepare our presentation right! Yes we have done so in the library! I have captured some picture to prove it oh! We just some of it only because everyone are tired after class, so we promised that we done the slide at home! So tomorrow we will have second round! Yo! Gambateh my friends!! In this Friday we will have 2 presentations! I'm so worry and nervous! After more days! I will be more free to done others things! Wakakaka…..I'm set to be free after 5 day! wohoo…


昨天我不是说了今天会和“战友”们讨论这星期五的presentation吗!我们的确是有一起在“拉玻璃”讨论的哦!有照片为证啊!我们只是有了短短的时间来到作slide show,过后大家都回家去休息了,因为上课后都很累啊!而且还答应了在家里会搞dim它的!!HoSa! 加油咯!!明天还是要在讨论一场的啦!星期五我们有两个presentation呢!紧张咯!但是过多5天就比较FREE了!yahoo….!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

2009/07/28 Tueasday

Yeah……! Today morning class starts at 8.40, but I reach college early! For what?? Of cause I have some purpose lah! I reach early is because I want to learn and play guitar with my “Sifu” er….. actually is “SiMou” (Ah Shan)! Today she teach me strumming and some basic chord……I really have no talent! My learning process is slower than the primary school children loh….. But I believe Practice make Perfect! Give me some time……and I will be better! Wakakakaka…..

Dear my friend and family…here I want to make clear 1 thing! I learn to play guitar is not because I want to date with girl lah! Actually when I was young, I have no chance to learn and play guitar…so I take this chance to learn it loh! Some more
I know that play music and musical instruments can improve our brain’s frontal lobe leh…! Although now is a little bit late…but I’m still young mah!

Today lunch really Yuck! The look still ok but the taste…worst! RM3.70 leh…so expensive…I just take 3 kind of dish oni……! It can't fulfill my desire!! I also have order a cup of “Hai Di Yeh”! see I have the picture…haha…!

Oh…this Friday have 2 presentation loh….so nervous leh!! HELP!! Tomorrow My group will done some preparation so we can make it better!!! Wakaka……After this week I will be more free dy….haha…

In the night my mother told me something that really comforting…she say that in the past, when she is still study, she want to be an accountant but because of many issues in family and finance make her can reach this goal. But now her son (my brother) has become an accountant! She also told me that when she is working in KL, she wants to learn and be a beautician, but she can’t. Because she has not enough financial support, but now her
daughter has become a great beautician too! Furthermore my mother also tell me that, when she is young, she hope that her husband must not wearing spectacle and not a “Hokkien” and many others things that she don’t like……but in reality her husband is a “Hokkien” guy that wearing spectacle, what my mother don’t like almost all can found from my father…kakaka…..I don’t know I should pity or happy! Here is my father and mother photo!

哈哈……!今天的课在早上8.40开始,但我很早就到学院了!早到当然是有原因的啦!我是因为约了我的“吉他师父”不不……是“吉他师母”(阿Shan)!今天,她教我的是“strumming”和一些按“chord”的方法……我真得很没天分咯!学习的程度比小学生还要来的差咯!但我绝对相信!“Practice Make Perfect”所谓有“智”者事尽成啊…wakakakaka!!

在这里我也要为我自己澄清一样事情啦!亲爱的亲戚朋友!我学吉他真的不是为了“追女孩”啦!我学吉他,其实是为了要满足我以前没有办法好好学吉他的关系,所以现在趁着还有机会就学咯!不然要等到7老8十meh~!还有我听说,学乐器或音乐可以训练脑的“frontal lobe”噢!虽然有些迟!但我还年轻啊!wakakaka………

Yuack! 今天的早餐卖相很不错但味道就……mama啦!有一点后悔,RM3.70 leh!我觉得瞒贵的。因为我的白饭很少菜也不多!最大的问题是……我吃了却没满足感咯!吃了东西却没有满足感是非常的可怜loh~~!这里有一张照片,给你们看看……我还order了一杯海底椰凉茶!哈哈……


晚上的时候!妈妈对我说了些她很安慰的事!她说以前他在读书时以后的志愿是做会计师,但因为家庭环境的关系,她没办法成为会计师,但现在他的儿子(我的哥哥啦!)就成为了一位会计师!然后她又告诉我,她出来做工时很想学美容,因为没有足够的钱所以没有学到, 但是现在她的女儿(我姐姐啦!)可说是成功的美容师呢!她又告诉我,在她开始踏入恋爱的时候,她说他不要男朋友是戴眼镜的,也不要她是福建人…..还有很多很多他不喜欢的东西!但在现实里!她的老公(我爸爸咯!)是戴眼镜的福建人!还有他不喜欢的东西统统都可在她老公我爸爸身上找到…….真的事不知是可小孩是可悲咯!wakaka……

Monday, July 27, 2009

2009/07/27 Monday

Today is my best friend Sally's birthday! Happy Birthday to You~! Haha……I wish you become more beautiful and can find a boyfriend soon!! Wakaka…….

In the early morning, PeaceMaker, Carrie and I went to bought present and cake….OH MY GOD! We are just like having trip in Wangsa Maju, we ramble from JJ till Wangasa Maju Bakery! It’s like an Explore Race!

After class we have our party in “Ai Mian Zi” mee store. Along the way we meet our “beautiful” lecturer, so we also ask her to join us……woo hoo she join us!

When friend gather together are really fun! Together we chat, play, eat, take photo……is a nice memory!

Today dinner is the first time my mother cook “Chao Kui Diao”! It is really delicious! I love it……! If can I will let you all try it but……never mind you all can enjoyed it by the picture! Wakaka……

Today class, I have gained something. To grow up healthily are not easy it will influence by many others effects…… and I feel that I’m not a perfect one but I’m still a good boy! Haha…..! To take care in a children are not easy…we have to care about their physical, psychological needs and also others! If want to have baby we need to prepare a lot of things oh!

今天是位好友的生日!Sally Happy Birthday to You~! 哈哈……在这里祝你越来越美丽!快快遇情郎!

今天一早,我,PeaceMaker和Carrie 就去预备礼物和蛋糕!我们从JJ逛到WM的面包店!真是可称为WM explorer! 上课后!我们就到“爱面子”版面店开小小的Party!在路途中,我们遇见“眼咪咪的漂亮”讲师,所以就邀请漂亮的她join我们的Party…woo hoo…!




Sunday, July 26, 2009

2009/07/26 Sunday

Woo~~ It is Sunday! Time passing by really fast!
Today really boring……nothing special nothing plan to do……

In the afternoon, brother-in-law and sister bring Paddy to saloon for a nice hair cut! Because Paddy’s hairs are really dirty and look like “Cj7”! wakakaka……

Haha…sorry that I didn't mansion that Paddy is a pet for family, it is a little doggie! Paddy is one of our family members too!

After paddy has it hair cut! He looks more handsome and cute! He looks like a bear!

Today not just only Paddy had his hair cut! I also have my hair cut too! But I'm not so like mine new hair style~~ that is why I didn't post it……wakakaka

Today really peaceful……really smooth! (Yuack! Talk like an old man! Wakakaka….)

Tomorrow is a whole new day! Everyone gambateh loh!!







Saturday, July 25, 2009

2009/07/25 Saturday

Actually today I can wake up lately. But as early in 7 something, I'm wakening by my mother’s "charming" sound! Because my little niece flighty! She had promised grandma (my mother) went to exercise, but she was unwilling to wake up and she is getting angry ~ ~!

Any way, I was awakened! So I accompany my mother, nephew and also my cousin goes to Public Park......! It had been a long time that I didn’t go out in the morning for exercise! Boohoo ~ ~I really feel good ~ ~! Early in the morning those child are really full of dynamic! How can I lose it! I am also gone crazy and play with them…… “World War in Playground” wakakaka……!

Wake up early in the morning really feel cool! Exercise helped me to clean my Gastrointestinal! Hehe..... As I return home, my first big business to deal with is "defecate"! hmm ~ it is really “shuang”! However, when I just step in my house, I saw my niece sitting in the living room doing "embroidery"…… this make me feel she had grow up!

In the afternoon! My mother gave all the sylling to my nephew, to spread it to his own and his sister! Hehe ... ... Is the time to act as the bad guy! At this time I snatch all the 50sen from him ... ... of course, I have return to him in the end...! In truth be told……muahahaha…… I have keep 4 ringgit to myself …... wakakaka! At that time I make him cry ... ... but he is very strong today, he just sobbing in silent. If in the past, he will cry like hell~ ~ ~!

Although today is not all my family member are gather together, as long as they have contact with each other, is still can be consider as good relation lah~~! To my dear friends and relatives! Commonly take some time to spend with your families are really good de oh! Even if it is busy in working or academic can not return home! Pick up the phone now! Call your parents, your parents feel comforted oh ~ ~!





Friday, July 24, 2009

2009/07/24 Friday

Today, I as usual attended to the 8 o'clock morning classes. I have no way to concentrate in class, my brain just the same as roaming in the ocean (physical parking in lecture hall)......8 o'clock morning classes really tired! I have no mood to go on the next class, Family Therapy......! Fortunately there is some motivation!

Today in family therapy lesson is the role play session, it is very fun! Because of attended early in class, I was selected to play as the “Father” role ... ... This "Father" is not easy to do ah! Some more this “Father” has two wife of these "Husband". Because I play as this role my friend call me “Ham Sap Lou” mean “Lecherous” ……two wife mah... ...wakaka….! So the whole process was very funny (I personally think that). Although only a short period of time to prepare, we still have presented it well……thank you my friend, thanks you all working well together! In this lesson I have learned a lot! I promise, I will do it better next time!

Counseling either Therapy is really mysterious (I will explain it next time hehe……)! One important thing to tell all the guys! If you having Polygamy and it have not managed well, you and your family will occur in many problems! And it is also harmful to your health Oh ~ (this is not proven. Kidding only lah)!I know Marriage is sweet! But don’t forget, having family is a big and serious responsibility oh! To my friends who wanted to get married soon……think twice ya!



自己也有小小的体会哦~~ 我觉得counseling真的非常奥妙(言语真的无法表达……以后又时间再和大家解释)!还有啊!男士们不要太花心咯!一夫多妻要是没管理好,会产生很多问题啦!而且也有害健康哦~~(这个没有任何证明,只是开个玩笑)!家庭是一个不简单的责任!要结婚的朋友们啊!要想清楚咯!
